Three Daily Delights

Dandelion Doodle by Sterry Cartoons
Dandelion Doodle by Sterry Cartoons
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A week or two ago I came across the wonderful Three Daily Delights blog by Stef and I loved the idea so much that I wanted to share it with you all and make my own!

Today’s Delights:

    • I found out I’ve been nominated for two awards! First, the Shine On Award from Ruby and then the Inspiring Blogger Award from Hanne (that’s the plan for the next post). Thank you so much!
    • The sun has finally appeared after days of rain. That was enough to make me smile. 😀
    • Seeing my little brother and sister take part in a lovely Easter Service at the local church (the kids were all performing the “Resurrection Rock! musical and all sang brilliantly)!

The rest of this post is all about the shine on award! Nominees revealed at the end!

The Shine On Award



1) Link back to the blogger who nominated you

2) Notify 15 bloggers

3) Answer the questions given to you

The Questions:

1) What’s your most remarkable memory from your childhood?

Difficult one! My favourite memory is of a family holiday in Spain. My sister was getting panicked about the wasps that kept buzzing around our table. Our granny just pinched one of the wasps out of the air and after that my little sister kept shouting “My granny is a star!” (with wasp-killing superpowers) at strangers! My grandparents are amazing! 🙂

2) Have you ever tried any extreme sports?

Does SCUBA diving count? I had my first diving lesson in a lake in the Midlands in freezing cold water (it was about -3 degrees celcius). We had to jump from a jetty because the slipway had frozen over and was too dangerous to use. Half-way through the first dive (only about 8 metres down), the valve on my diving partner’s compressed air tank froze shut, so I gave her my spare air mouthpiece (it’s called an octopus really, but giving someone a spare octopus sounds strange) and gradually rose to the surface.

That could have traumatised me, but I went on to do a week of diving in Cornwall with the others in the club! I love seeing so much life underwater!

3) Which recipe you would like to learn and cook?

All of them… but, I have to admit I love the puddings. I make a lot of chocolate gelato, which uses a lot of egg yolks, and often have a lot of spare egg white left over, so I’d love to be able to make a meringue that’s consistently crispy (and not soggy at the bottom). If anyone has any good tips on this, I’d love to hear!

4) Which thing could ruin your day?

A snide remark can ruin my day, but a kind, genuine comment is all it takes to fix it.

5) Do you prefer reading books or watching movies?

I prefer books to movies, but have probably seen more movies recently (partly because I’m reading a lot for my Open University course and not as much for pleasure at the moment).

My nominees for this award are:

  1. Emily Johnson – A wonderful friend and budding archaeologist! Her #FreeArcheology twitter discussion is great too!
  2. Elizabeth Norris – She sings, illustrates really cute dinosaurs and knows about the great wi-fi bear in the sky. 😛
  3. TapeParade – Touring musician who’s just started a really nice music blog! Show her some love!
  4. Mellute – Fellow flautist, student and generally nice chatty person. 🙂
  5. Alastair – Really friendly, generous blogger! He has lots of wonderful photography prints over on Society6 too!
  6. Tanya Speed – For her wonderful poems and brilliant Amanda Palmer knowledge!
  7. Rusty Doodle – He’ll make you smile!
  8. Meeka’s Mind – Amazingly generous writer and all round good ‘un! 🙂
  9. Three Daily Delights – Need I explain! Wonderful idea!
  10. Carl D’Agostino – He’s probably received this award before, but deserves another one for making us all smile. 🙂
  11. Rohan 7 Things – Extremely talented musician with interesting advice on almost everything!
  12. Miss Four Eyes – Generous blogger who made me laugh by creating the Naked Blogger Badge. Love it! 😀
  13. Hanne Fisker – She inspires me to write about Iceland and miniature adventures!
  14. Phoenix Flights – A blog for recovery! Loved the Big Cat Easter video Sista posted recently too!
  15. Inkjot Comics – Who wouldn’t want to see amusing comics on post-it notes? Makes me smile!

Those are my nominations! I know that not everyone accepts award for a whole variety of reasons (some might have received this award a few times already), but these blogs are all wonderful and the people behind them all deserve to be recognised for making me and many others smile!

Feel free to carry the award on if you think you’ll enjoy it!
If it seems like a chore, do something you enjoy and share that instead! 🙂

Thanks everyone!

17 thoughts on “Three Daily Delights

  1. Did you just make a touché on me with another nomination?! Ah, thank you so much Hannah! And I really like the idea, do something you enjoy! Off to Iceland tomorrow, so there’ll hopefully be some sharing there and it will have your name in it somewhere for sure. Thanks again! Shine on!

  2. Oh this is so wonderful! Thank you Hannah, I really appreciate the support with my little blogging endeavours from a blogging pro like you! I’m struggling to think of 15 blogs? I think I need to start following more so this is a great post for me to explore. When I’m following 15 I’ll do my own version! 🙂

    1. haha – I’m no blogging pro, I just like making things look pretty! 😛
      Thought you deserved some recognition – I’m looking forward to hearing more about your touring and playing! Have you got any recordings/youtube videos?

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