Who is Hannah Sterry?

Hello, I’m Hannah!

I am musician, cartoonist and UX specialist based in Devon, UK.

I grew up in the very rural South Hams, with a biochemist mother and mechanical engineer father so I’ve ended up being a bit of a geek. During the day I am a UX manager and design software that gets used by millions of people, then on the evenings and weekends I play music and draw cartoons.


Hannah Sterry - Jazz FlautistAvailable for work as a flautist and session musician, I enjoy working with with all sorts bands and musicians, covering musical genres from gypsy jazz and folk to rock and heavy metal. Musicians I have worked with include The SterrysHamer & Isaacs gypsy swing band, The Hot Club of Stonehouse, Becky Brine,  Ben Carr, Ansa Back and Gallows Ghost.

I have a BSc (Hons) Open in Music, Mathematics and Engineering from The Open University, ABRSM Flute (Grade 8) and hope to complete a Diploma in Flute Performance in the near future.

Regularly plays flute, harp, piano, clarinet, saxophone and always striving to learning more…


Sterry Cartoons

Musical Compliments Yellow Banner WordPress CopyAn interest in illustration and comedy led to the creation of Sterry Cartoons (a webcomic featuring educational music jokes and animal-related humour).

Sterry Cartoons has received a great deal of interest online, partly due to the viral success of Musical Compliments (a cartoon featuring a joke about naturals and sharps).
The Musical Compliments cartoon has been shared over 25,000 times on facebook and has been featured by BuzzFeed and ABRSM.

For more cartoons, visit the Sterry  Cartoons Facebook and shop!

UX (User Experience)

ux-787980_640I am one of the Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) that you keep hearing about.

I work as a UX Manager for a small software company, with a brilliant team of developers and testers. We are all constantly learning and we strive to create products that our customers will love.



Hannah Sterry Photography Logo

Here’s to crawling around on hands and knees, creeping up on bugs and bees! Or something like that.

More of my images can be seen on Redbubble.

Contact Me

Please feel free to comment, say hi on twitter (@HannahSterry) or send me a friendly note or request using the contact form.

Cartoonist | Musician | Photographer

Follow me on:

Sterry Cartoons Facebook  | Sterry Music Facebook
Twitter  |  Google+ | LinkedIn

62 thoughts on “Who is Hannah Sterry?

  1. AnElephantCant help thinking
    This is some crazy stuff you have created
    You may be slightly mad
    But please don’t be sad
    AnElephant thinks sanity is vastly overrated

  2. Hi Hannah,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me.
    I find that I can either be very prolific posting every day, or sometimes ( like now ) life on the outside takes over and I may not post for some time.
    Sometimes it’s sad, sometimes happy, sometimes sweary rude, though I try to keep that down now, but I hope you enjoy the journey.
    I will have a proper look around as soon as I get a chance.
    Love n hugs

  3. Wow, talented girl! Your drawings are really funny and cute and your photos are stunning 🙂

    Glad I found you!

    All the best.


    ps. Have you heard of Jethro Tull the agricultural inventor?

    1. Thank you! I enjoyed coming across your blog the other day too!

      I’ve heard of the inventor and the band. I’d be a bit worried if people thought my flute playing sounded like the inventor though! 😛

      1. Ha! Yes, not very flattering at all.

        Hope you had a nice weekend 🙂


  4. Hi Hannah! Merci for dropping by our international playground! 🙂 Your blog looks awesome, I do hope to have some spare time to surf over your posts… Greetings from Toulouse, France! My very best and good luck in all your endeavours! 🙂

  5. Hello Hannah, thank you for visiting my blog and following it too! I love your cartoons! There must be some connection between playing instruments, creating art and drinking tea because I’m like that as well…we’re in good company!

  6. Heya thanks for following my blog, and for leading me to yours! You have so many talents to share, I look forward to reading your posts 🙂 x

  7. Hi Hanna, I’m snickering thru my whole visit here. Hope that was the intention 😀 I see my sweet pal Julia D has pasted by, perhaps thats how you found me. Thanks again for your visit, I can’t wait to hang out. I’m very keen to listen to some more music. You’re very accomplished in so many artistic endeavours, maybe some of it will rub off on moi 😀 cheers!

  8. Thank you for the follow, Hannah! You and I have a lot in common! I also play flute (although I don’t study formally), and I love photography! I love the look of your blog!

  9. Hello Hannah! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  10. Thank you for following, Ms. Sterry.
    By being a cartoonist and a musician you have managed to become two of my favorite things in one.
    It’s like being a person who is also a Reese’s Cup, or perhaps one of those yogurts that has two flavors side by side.
    Or not.
    Either way, keep up the great work!

  11. Thank you for the follow, Hannah Sterry. This is a great site and I like what you’re doing. Other questions, “Is there any jazz flutist better than Eric Dolphy?” (not completely rhetorical). “Don’t you think Passion Play was better than Thick as a Brick?” “How come jazz reed players can play so many instruments?”

    1. Woodwind instruments are all pretty similar, so once you’ve learnt one, it’s much easier to go about learning more!

      Eric Dolphy is blooming good, but I’ve had a mix of influences from flautists like Paul Horn and Greg Pattillo and Katisse (the real anchorman flautist) and then I’ve taken bits from the great sax players too – I love the way Cannonball Adderley plays.

      A Passion Play is one of the Jethro albums I haven’t heard yet (there are so many albums and I only really know four or five), but I’ll let you know what I think after I’ve had a listen! 🙂

      1. Thanks! Passion Play was kind of a joke question. I remember it being good, but I was just a kid in the 70s easily impressed by ponderous progressive rock. And I fell in love with the ballerina on the cover. I’ll have to watch out for those flautists you mentioned! I’ve also rediscovered a lot of Joe Farrell at my blog–an underappreciated reed player.

  12. Hannah,

    Thanks for stopping by http://www.TravelByTerry.com and a special thanks for the follow. It is nice to be associated with someone who has actual talent. I figure it can do nothing but enhance my own pretensions.

    On the other hand, if you weren’t so amply gifted by the muses, there might have been a bit more lying around for those of us whose entire contribution to humanity is cranking out flummery by the truck load.

    In any case, whenever serious art becomes tiresome, feel free to stop by again and sample a little more droll, but largely harmless, dribble.

    Best to you and I look forward to perusing your blog.

    Warm regards,

    1. Everyone has talent! It’s just a case of putting the hours in and working at the things you enjoy most!

      It looks like it’s quite fun working in the travel business at times too! 🙂

  13. Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog! I appreciate it very much. I’ve enjoyed my visit here and look forward to following your posts. 😀

    1. I need to start doing that! 😀
      It’s a shame that there are so many great flautists and people only seem to know about the ones who’ve been on Top of The Pops.

  14. Thanks Hannah for visiting my blog and following. You have such talent and a very delightful blog. I’m looking forward to your posts.

  15. Nice reading about you

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.

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